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Scout Promises around the World

Here is a sampling of the Scout Promise from several countries (corrections welcome if my translations are in error; appropriate national Scout website checked from time to time):


Australia (Scouts Australia)

On my honour
I promise that I will do my best
To do my duty to my God, and
To the Queen of Australia
To help other people, and
To live by the Scout Law


Canada (Scouts Canada, English & French both official)

On my honour
I promise that I will do my best
To do my duty to God and the Queen
To help other people at all times,
And to carry out the spirit of the Scout Law.

Sur mon honneur
Je promets que je ferai de mon mieux
Pour faire mon devoir envers Dieu et la Reine,
Aider mon prochain en tout temps, et
Observer l'esprit de la loi scoute.


France (La Promesse Scoute/The Scout Promise of the Guides et Scouts d'Europe, in French, with English translation)

Sur mon honneur, avec la grâce de Dieu,
je m'engage à servir de mon mieux
Dieu, l'Église, ma patrie et l'Europe,
à aider mon prochain en toutes circonstances,
à observer la loi scoute / guide.

[On my honor, with the grace of God,
I promise to do my best to serve
God, the Church, my country and Europe,
to help my neighbor in all circumstances,
to keep the Scout / Guide Law.]

Great Britain

Great Britain ("The Scout Association")

On my honour I promise that I will do my best
To do my duty to God and to the Queen,
To help other people and to keep the Scout Law.


Norway (Speiderløftet/The Scout Promise of the Norges Speiderforbund, in Norwegian bokmål, with English translation)

Jeg lover etter beste evne å tjene Gud,
hjelpe andre og
leve etter speiderloven.

[I promise to do my best to serve God,
help others and
live according to the Scout Law.]


Venezuela (La Promesa Scout/The Scout Promise of the Asociación de Scouts de Venezuela, in Spanish, with English translation)

Por mi honor y con la gracia de Dios me obligo
a servir lo mejor que pueda
a mi Iglesia y a mi Patria,
ayudar a mi prójimo en cualquier circunstancia
y a cumplir la Ley Scout

[By my honor and with the grace of God I promise
to serve to the best of my ability
my Church and my country,
to help my neighbor in any circumstance
and to fulfill the Scout Law.]

Scout Laws around the World

The BSA's 17 Ideals of Scouting

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